How to become a resident

We welcome anyone over 55 who is retired or semi-retired, able to live independently, but would like assistance with maintaining their home

Your own home in our village community

Becoming part of the Murray Bridge Lutheran Villages community offers financial security. What your premium actually secures, and gives you legal rights to, is a life-time occupancy according to agreed terms. We welcome anyone aged 55 years or over and retired / semi-retired (at least one of a couple must be over 55) and able to cope with the day to day running of their residence. 

New house kitchen

Make an application

Depending on demand, homes may be available for immediate occupation or applicants may be placed on our waiting list until a vacancy occurs. The initial step is to complete an application form and pay an administration fee of $50 (non-refundable) to confirm your interest to reside within the village.

Deposit and payment

You will be provided with a copy of your Residence Contract at least 10 days prior to any deposit becoming payable. At this time, we will request a $1000 deposit, to be held in a trust, and be deducted from your premium, which is payable by negotiation depending on your individual circumstances. All premium funds are to be finalised before occupation of the home.  

Licence Agreement

Our homes are resident-funded which means that residents pay a premium to occupy a selected residence. The Licence Agreement (Residence Contract) sets out your legal rights in relation to your occupancy of the selected residence and the processes involved at the conclusion of that occupancy and the structure of the refund to the resident or their estate. The Licence Agreement is a legal document and as such you are encouraged to seek independent professional advice. There is a ‘cooling off’ period after signing the Licence Agreement when you may choose to withdraw from the arrangements. 

Your investment

When a resident vacates, the interest-free loan (premium) made to Murray Bridge Lutheran Villages will be proportionally refunded to you or your estate on the basis of the rates set out as follows: 

Time Period
Refund Entitlement
Residence vacated during settling-in period
100% of loan
Residence vacated in first year
85% of loan
Residence vacated in second year
80% of loan
Residence vacated in third year
75% of loan
After the third year
Remains at 75% of loan

Vacating your home

A resident may vacate their home at any time by giving written notice to Murray Bridge Lutheran Homes. If a resident is in breach of any of the terms of the Licence Agreement or if, in accordance with medical advice, the home is no longer appropriate for the daily living requirements of the resident. 

Important links

Properties for sale
Current properties listed for sale in our villages

Application for residency
Download and complete your residency application form

Contact us
Enquire now about becoming a resident of Murray Heights Village

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